Monday 21 December 2015


Pine Cone Bird

1. Big Pine Cone
2. Thick Wire - Approx. 24 inches [length of the wire depends on the size of pine cone]
3. Plier
4. Potter's clay or modelling clay or M-Seal
5. Acrylic colours
6. Paint brush

1. Bend the wire from middle to make a loop.
2. Mark & bend both the end points of wire at 6 inches with plier. This length is used to form the paws by turning wire three times at 1 inch length.
3. Wire loop is wrapped tightly two times on the middle of pine cone.
4. Cover the wire with clay so that it is not visible.
5. On the bigger side of the cone, dab white glue, and then make the neck & face of the bird.
6. Balance the bird on its legs. If needed, change the position of neck or legs or put more clay on the wire wrapped on the body of bird.
7. Support this clay part while its drying. It may take one or two days to dry off completely.
8. After drying, colour it with acrylic colours of your choice.

Explore and create new wonders.

Clay & Wire
Wire Looped Pine Cone ; Clay Neck
Acrylic Painted Birds
Walnut Shell Neck & Pine Cone Body
Pine Cone Doll

Pine Cone Tree

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